Saturday, 11 July 2015

The New Work

In 2013 I started my MFA at the National College of Art and Design where I changed the focus of my work completely. During the 3 years between the completion of my BA and the beginning of the MFA there were several times where I had considered changing direction and looking at folklore as the theme of my paintings. What I had been working on previously, I felt, had enough momentum left that I didn't want to just end it with a sudden halt, I think it was coming to an end but it still had some life left.

While studying at NCAD it gave me a chance to take a step back and not worry about necessarily working towards a deadline and separate myself from the older work. During this time I began researching superstitions, folklore and mythology. Unsure at the early stages of first year where I wanted to push the work, I started out looking at natural based superstitions surrounding animals and trees, such as magpies serving as an omen of ill luck, depending on numbers or the consequences of interfering with a hawthorn tree. Towards the end of first year I started working much more figuratively, this work is what I would concentrate on for second year, my MFA show and for the foreseeable future. The following images are of the work that I had on show at Frawley's, 36 Thomas Street, Dublin for the end MFA Graduation Exhibition in June this year. 

Ash and EmberOil on Canvas, 39cm x 28cm, Pat Byrne, 2015

Half in the World of Form, Oil on Canvas, 55cm x 35cm, Pat Byrne, 2015


       Industrious, Oil on Canvas, 41cm x 31cm, Pat Byrne, 2014

Leaves, Oil on Canvas, 55cm x 35cm, Pat Byrne, 2015

Masquerading, Oil on Canvas, 25cm x 18cm, Pat Byrne, 2015

Now, Look Around, Oil on Canvas, 21cm x 17cm, Pat Byrne, 2014

One Who Holds November Sacred, Oil on Canvas, 38cm x 28cm, Pat Byrne, 2015

The New Baal Fires, Oil on Canvas, 57cm x 40cm, Pat Byrne, 2015

The Result of Solitude, Oil on Canvas, 36cm x 25cm, Pat Byrne, 2015

Leprechauns and the PĂșca were the mythological figures that I decided to focus on and towards the end of the year I introduced the Fear Dearg to the paintings. I intend to bring other characters to the project, the next one is on the way and hopefully another new spirit in August during my residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre. I'll be updating my website soon with these paintings plus others.


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